Community Association For Sustainable Development


CASuDev is locally powered conservation and poverty relief association. It‘s a community based nonprofit, nonpolitical and nongovernment organization working to strengthen local community participation in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem functions, through measures that address the protection and wise use of natural resources, and the socioeconomic and cultural development of the affected communities.

The organization was created by a group of young people who care about their nature, the social, economic, ecological and cultural wellbeing of underprivileged and marginalized people in their local areas of intervention. Putting local community at the center of their natural resources is a strategy developed by this group of youth to tackle threat on biodiversity. CASuDev strives to link the economic livelihoods of the poor to biodiversity and environmental conservation.

National Workshop
Cameroun National Bio-Innovation Coordinator expressing during Mutually Agreed Terms Negotiation Workshop
CEO Presentation
CEO CASuDev presenting during Capacity building of Babadjou communuty on MAT contract negotiation

Our Partners