Corporate partnership

CASuDev count a lot on voluntary contributions and support from our corporate partner in order to create great impact in our work.

We are happy to work in partnership with you so as to share experience and build a successful and long time relationship.

Build your company’s profile and reputation through an association like CASuDev with a record of leading projects and programs towards biodiversity and environmental conservation and poverty alleviation. 

1) Our Project

a) Access and Benefit Sharing Initiative on the valorization of NTFPs

The ABS project fines its origin in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) of 1992 which objectives are: conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable access and sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources (ABS). To effectively implement this 3rd objective on ABS, the need to negotiate and safeguard the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources emerged in order to limit threats and misappropriation of genetic resources. The Nagoya Protocol on ABS was adopted in Nagoya, Japan in 2010. It establishes the legal basis and transparency for providers and users of genetic resources. Its core mechanism is based on Prior Informed Consent and Mutually agreed Terms 

Cameroon developed a national strategy on ABS in 2012, latter on ratified and adopted the Nagoya protocol, the country has gone further to enact the ABS law awaiting implementing decrees. Several projects are now ongoing in Cameroon among which the project on Valorization of Mondia whitei in Babadjou in Mount Bamboutos financed by the German cooperation under the Bio Innovation Africa project. The aim of this project is to the North and South win-wins partnership based on high ethical, social and environmental standards, including equitable-benefit sharing and sustainable use of African genetic resources.  

Results achieved so far are among other, the creation local governance structure which is the Magamto cooperative with board of directors, training of its members on administrative, financial and sociocultural management of the group, training on sustainable domestication and exploitation of the natural resource, construction of station to dry the product and drying of the first batch of the product, an lastly training on the Mutually Agreed Term (MAT) contract negotiation and negotiation of the say contract.

Impacts are the socio economic advantages of the valorization of this product in Babadjou community based on the numerous revenue received by the members of the cooperative and biodiversity conservation and environmental management of the area under intensive degradation.

b) Conservation of forest elephants at Campo Ma’an National Park

The project on the conservation of forest elephants (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) in the Campo Ma'an National Park (CMNP) in southern Cameroon is a logical strategy of managing human and elephants’ conflicts and fight against poaching and habituation of elephants in this area. Indeed, the population of the latter is sufficiently reduced and is in decline due to poaching and poisoning of the species since communities’ members often kills elephants which damage their farms. Forest elephants are classified as critically endangered according to IUCN Red List. This poaching is always maintained by a well-organized network that does not hesitate to slaughter elephants in search of ivory. This present project aimed at improving the conservation status of elephants, it places strong emphasis on conflict management and improvement of standard of living of the local population. 

The main objective of the project is to contribute to the conservation of forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) in Campo Ma'an National Park in southern Cameroon through the improvement of the status of the species, management of human-elephant conflicts, raising awareness and improving people's livelihoods. 

 Main results are, among others, the improvement of knowledge on the conservation status of the species through inventories and studies on the abundance and distribution of PNCM elephants. In addition, an improvement in the living conditions of the populations living around the Park through an establishment of income-generating activities. 

The project will work mainly with the communities bordering and around the park for activities that support the conservation of the elephant and improvement of communities’ standard of living.

c) Promotion of agroforestry trees nurseries for local communities

Our biodiversity in Africa is threatened due to human action whose activities have negative impacts on it. Human activities include deforestation and deforestation, search for arable land, development of large industries that destroy large areas of land, exposing us to climate change.

 Aware of these pressures on the biodiversity, CASuDev contributes to the protection of nature and its biodiversity through its sustainable and diversified nurseries and then seedlings are made available to local communities in Cameroon and out of Cameroon. This initiative stemmed at enhancing trees planting so as to turn down diverse effects climate change and purify the air that we breed. It does equally contribute to diversify sources of income to local people through planting of economic trees.

This action is carried out in collaboration with the University of Dschang, where quality plants are produced such as: plantain PIF, grafted avocado trees, strawberries, Mondia whitei plants, papaya trees, guava trees, etc. . 

This initiative aims to improve the quality of seeds and to promote the planting of trees in fields by the populations, to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and the fight against climate change. Not to mention its contribution to research because students come here to do academic internships.